New arrivals for Mid Aug 2021
We had a shipment of avatar lines. This would include black fancies, avatars, vampires and black galaxies of varying grades.

Also in this lot of shipments are:
Hellboy HMPK, Yellow Koi HMPK, Copper Nemo HMPK, Koi-types including Koi, Candy, Nemo, Black Samurai and Assorted Halfmoon Females.

In the Wild Betta section, new arrivals include:
Copper Smaragdina, Betta Antuta, Betta Ocellata, Betta Unimaculata, Betta Albimarginata, Betta Burdigala, Betta Uberis.

In non-betta related news, we also have a re-stock of taiwan bees, darwin nerite snails, medakas and discus.